Who You Gonna Call?

When it comes to knowing who to call and where to go for specific water concerns and questions, it can be overwhelming, given the different rules, regulations, and geographic boundaries in Colorado. We’ve compiled some FAQs to help guide you to the right resources to ensure your questions and concerns about water quantity and quality are answered.


Where do you go to get water tested? It’s important to have clean, safe drinking water in your home. Whether you rely on a public water system or a private well, there are a handful of resources to test your drinking water.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment provides step-by-step instructions and a variety of test offerings— from fluoride to nutrients to metals and more — that home-owners can use to submit a water sample to the Colorado State Public Health Laboratory. Learn more at cdphe.colorado.gov.

Some water providers, water districts and counties also offer free water quality testing. For example, the Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership, Jefferson County, Adams County and others offer free well testing through the state lab. Need more info on well testing? Call the national Wellcare Hotline at 888-395-1033.


Who do you call if you have an HOA water-related question? The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies has an HOA Information and Resource Center that can help consumers understand their basic rights and the responsibilities of an HOA.They can help guide and filter big picture questions and help with filing a complaint. Learn more and contact them at dre.colorado.gov/hoa-center. For specific HOA water questions that apply to your residence or property, reach directly out to your HOA property manager to settle any disputes.

DID YOU KNOW … that legislation passed in 2023 says that an owners’ association cannot prohibit drought-tolerant landscaping?


Who do you call to report water quality incidents, spills or emergencies? Call the Colorado Department of Public Health hotline at
1-877-518-5608. Make sure to have as much information about the incident as possible.


Who do you call if you want to know about drinking water quality in your municipality? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires community water systems to deliver a Consumer Confidence Report, or annual drinking water quality report, to their customers. These reports provide information about local drinking water. Access your water provider’s report on their website or search through all the water system reports in Colorado with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s (CDPHE) Safe Water Information Finder Tool, or SWIFT available at cdphe.colorado.gov/dwinfo. If you have concerns about your drinking water, reach out to your water system.

DID YOU KNOW … the Mobile Home Park Water Quality Act created a drinking water testing program that launched across Colorado in July 2024.


How do I report a neighbor’s water use? It depends where you get your water. Many local water utilities have their own methods for reporting water waste, whether by email, by phone or online app. Reach out to your local water provider if the water is coming through a public system. If you believe that someone is diverting water out of priority, or using too much water, contact your local division office at the Colorado Division of Water Resources. Find contact info for your division office at dwr.colorado.gov/division-offices.


How do I get funding for turf replacement? Funding for turf replacement is available in certain communities around the state. Find out if funding is available in your city or town, by contacting your water provider or municipality. Legislation passed in 2022 provides funding for the Colorado Water Conservation Board’s Turf Replacement Grant Program. Through the program, local governments, districts, nonprofits, and tribes can apply for state grants to fund turf replacement. Learn more about the program, apply, and find a list of entities funded in 2023 at engagecwcb.org.

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