Boulder Water Festival
City of Boulder Operation Water Festival . Credit: Laurel Olsen.
Yampa River ReTree Project
Yampa River ReTree Project. Credit: Carolina Manriguez.
Aurora Water Youth Water Festival Wall of Water
Aurora Water Youth Water Festival Wall of Water. Credit: Aurora Water.
Storm Drain Marking
Students celebrate after marking a storm drain. Credit: Donny Roush.
Rio Grande Water Conservation & Education Initiative
Rio Grande Water Conservation & Education Initiative Credit: Bethany Howell.
Aurora Water Festival
Aurora Water Festival Bubble Tower. Credit: Greg Baker.
Youth Water Leadership Program
Youth Water Leadership Program. For more information visit Credit: Sarah R. Johnson.
Aurora Water H2O Outdoors
Aurora Water H2O Outdoors, 2019 -Creating a Watershed. Credit: Natalie Brower-Kirton.
Western Rivers Teacher Workshops (Gunnison River Watershed)
Western Rivers Teacher Workshops (Gunnison River Watershed). For more information visit Credit: Sarah R. Johnson.
Western Rivers Teacher Workshops (Gunnison River Watershed)
Western Rivers Teacher Workshops – River Ecology (Gunnison River Watershed). For more information visit Credit: Beth Hall.
Western Rivers Teacher Workshops (Gunnison River Watershed)
Western Rivers Teacher Workshops (Gunnison River Watershed). Credit: Sarah R. Johnson.
Youth Water Leadership Program
Youth Water Leadership Program (Roaring Fork Watershed) in 2019. Credit: Andrea Holland.
Expeditionary Learning Activity
Students participating in an activity adapted from an Expeditionary Learning initiative called Toxic Waste. Credit: Donny Roush
“Celebration of Learning,” 7th grade students at Annunciation Catholic School
Annunciation (South Platte River) (March 17, 2016; photo by Erika Rodriguez) – As part of their public-invited “Celebration of Learning,” 7th grade students at Annunciation Catholic School (Denver, CO) present about their learning around river ecology, river health in the city, and stormwater impact mitigation. Credit: Erika Rodriguez.
Rio Grande Water Conservation & Education Initiative
Students participate in an activity with the Rio Grande Water Conservation & Education Initiative and USFS Credit: Heather Dutton
Colorado Springs Utilities Cloud Cannon at Patriot ES Eco Fair
Birgit Landin of Colorado Springs Utilities “shoots” clouds into the school assembly called Water Wonders. In the assembly, students learn about where their water comes from, the amount of precipitation we get, and the ways to conserve water. Credit: Colorado Springs Utilities.
Boulder Water Festival
City of Boulder Operation Water Festival . Credit: Laurel Olsen.
Yampatika Water Education Program
Yampatika water education programming. Courtesy of: Yampatika.
Aurora Water’s Aurora Reservoir Field Trip
Aurora Water’s Aurora Reservoir Field Trip.
Credit: Natalie Brower-Kirton.
Tollgate students sample South Platte River
Tollgate (South Platte River) (March 16, 2016; photo by Donny Roush) – Third graders from Tollgate Elementary School of Expeditionary Learning (Aurora, CO) collect a macroinvertebrate sample from Tollgate Creek, which is adjacent to their school campus. This was the first field work for a 2-month unit, “Is Tollgate Creek Healthy?” Credit: Donny Roush.
Aurora Water H2O Outdoors
Aurora Water H2O Outdoors, 2019 – Kick Net in River. Credit: Natalie Brower-Kirton.
Youth Water Leadership Program (Roaring Fork Watershed)
Youth Water Leadership Program (Roaring Fork Watershed) in 2019. Credit: Sarah R. Johnson.
Yampa River ReTree Project
Yampa River ReTree Project. Credit: Carolina Manriguez.
Aurora Water H2O Outdoors
Aurora Water H2O Outdoors, 2019-Field Group at 10 Mile Creek.
Credit: Natalie Brower-Kirton.
Rio Grande Water Conservation & Education Initiative
Credit: Bethany Howell.
H2O Outdoors Camp
Students at work at the H2O Outdoors Camp at Keystone Science School.
The camp is supported by the Colorado River Water Conservation District, Aurora Water and Denver Water.
Credit: Andrew Kenney
Yampatika Water Education Program
Yampatika water education programming. Courtesy of: Yampatika.
Aurora Water Forests to Faucets Teacher Workshop
Aurora Water Forests to Faucets Teacher Workshop 2019. Credit: Natalie Brower-Kirton.
Centennial 3rd grade learns about One Water (South Platte)
Centennial (South Platte River) (March 14, 2017; photo by Erin Abner) – To introduce a unit “Fresh Water around the World,” 3rd graders from Centennial – A School for Expeditionary Learning conducted field work to Berkeley Lake, a Denver park within walking distance of their school. Donny Roush, an environmental educator for Denver Public Works, introduced students to the One Water concept – “All the water that ever was, or ever will be, is already here on Earth.” Credit: Erin Abner.
Dr. Justina Ford STEM Institute storm drain marking
Dr. Justina Ford STEM Institute (Denver enrichment program for girls of color) (July 17, 2017; photo by Amy Conklin) – High school students from the Dr. Justina Ford STEM Institute participate in a storm drain-marking project in their neighborhood. Students used a newly developed app to find drains, adhere a new badge if needed, and upload photos and coordinates for the City and County of Denver. The badges read “No Dumping: Drains to River.” Credit: Amy Conklin.
Rio Grande Water Conservation & Education Initiative
Credit: Bethany Howell.
Aurora Water – Water Smart Plants Tour
Aurora Water – Water Smart Plants Tour. Credit: Mary Dawson.
Yampatika Water Education Program
Yampatika water education programming. Courtesy of: Yampatika.
Yampatika Water Education Program
Yampatika water education programming. Courtesy of: Yampatika.
Rio Grande Water Conservation & Education Initiative
Credit: Bethany Howell.
Denver Watershed Tour
Teachers and tour leaders on the Denver Watershed Tour, August 2019.
Rio Grande Water Conservation & Education Initiative
Credit: Bethany Howell.
Aurora Water at the Aurora Public Schools Career Fair
Aurora Water at the Aurora Public Schools
Career Fair. Credit: Natalie Brower-Kirton.
Yampa River ReTree Project
Yampa River ReTree Project. Credit: Carolina Manriguez.
Aurora Water Water in the Ol West
Aurora Water Water in the Ol West. Credit: Monica Self.
Boulder Water Festival
City of Boulder Operation Water Festival . Credit: Laurel Olsen.
Aurora Water Water Heroes 1st Grade Presentation
Aurora Water Water Heroes 1st Grade Presentation- Viviana Zavala. Credit: Aurora Water.
Aurora Water Festival
Aurora Water Fesitval Water Meter. Credit: GregBaker.
Yampatika Storm Drain Stenciling
Yampatika water education programming. Courtesy of: Yampatika.