Fall 2020: Forever Entrusted

Private Land for Public Good
November 10, 2020 by Jason Plautz
Partnerships between landowners and land trusts to conserve private land and water rights create benefits for cities, recreationists, wildlife, ecosystems and economies—all partners, and all Coloradans.

A Trust for Colorado Water
While land trusts are now focusing more on water, one group—the Colorado Water Trust—has been restoring water from the start.
Making Dollars and Sense of Conservation Easements
Is appraisal hindering conservation in Colorado or providing necessary accountability? Could a new valuation method better account for the diverse benefits of conservation?
Flexibility in Perpetuity
The conservation community gets creative by building more flexibility into easements—without undermining the permanence that gives them their strength.
Are Colorado’s Rules Strong Enough to Halt Water Profiteering? A new group aims to find out
With water demand and prices soaring, a work group explores ways to quell water speculation.
These Hay Fields May Know How to Save the Colorado River
Nine ranch families near Kremmling have set aside their doubts to see if hypothetical water-saving methodologies work in their fields.Thank You to This Issue's Sponsors