Webinars & Talks

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Water Education Colorado offers informative webinars on both trends and niches in water research, conservation, industry and more.

Past webinar topics have ranged from endangered fish recovery to alternative transfer methods to agriculture and water scarcity. To hear recordings of past webinars or to register for an upcoming webinar, click on your topic of choice below.

Climate Change and Mitigation in Colorado Water

Aired: June 20, 2019

Colorado’s warming future brings with it projected impacts to water supplies with possible changes in precipitation, retimed runoff flows, more extreme precipitation and drought events, water quality impacts and more. Water providers and users are taking measures to adapt—but is the water sector doing enough to curb the effects of climate change? Through this webinar, we explore the projections for Colorado’s water future, state-level policy initiatives that aim to mitigate climate change, and hear about inspiring mitigation work at the water provider and wastewater level.

With Speakers:
Brad Udall, Senior Water and Climate Research Scientist, Colorado State University
Taryn Finnessey, Senior Climate Change Specialist, Colorado Water Conservation Board
Kurt Carson, Wastewater Services Manager, City of Grand Junction
Laurna Kaatz, Climate Scientist and Adaptation Program Manager, Denver Water

Is Water Reuse On The Rise?

Aired February 5, 2019
Recycling or reusing water means maximizing the state’s resources and generating “new” water supply options for growing and water-stressed communities. Is water reuse becoming more common and popular in Colorado and across the West? During this webinar, we explored why more communities are turning toward water reuse and what regulations, policies, or other next steps need to fall into place for water recycling to grow.

With Speakers:

Laura Belanger, Western Resource Advocates and WateReuse Colorado

Damian Higham, Denver Water

Mark Marlowe, Castle Rock Water

From Planning to Implementation: Steamboat Springs’ Stream Management Plan

Aired September 6, 2018
When Steamboat Springs initiated work on its stream management plan—just completed this summer—stakeholders sought to understand how river flows were affecting water temperature. Now that the city has its stream management plan in hand, this webinar explores its planning process. Learn how science and local priorities led to recommendations in the plan, what a completed plan means for existing flow agreements, and how implementation might look going forward.

With speakers:

  • Kelly Romero-Heaney, City of Steamboat Springs
  • Seth Mason, Lotic Hydrological
  • Mickey O’Hara, Colorado Water Trust

Fires Forests and Watershed Health

Aired June 26, 2018
Forest fires have been growing in intensity, frequency and cost across Colorado and the West. What do those fires mean for our watersheds, water supplies, and the millions of water users across the state? And how do we fund the fire treatment work that will maintain healthy forests and reduce the risk to our watersheds? Listen to this recording of our June 26, 2018 webinar to answer these questions and more. We discuss the funding challenges posed by increased fire incidence, as well as the partnerships and creative funding strategies that could help Colorado build healthier forests, watersheds, and more water-secure communities.

With speakers:

  • Steve Lohr, U.S. Forest Service
  • Rob Addington, The Nature Conservancy
  • Ellen Roberts, Colorado State Forest Service consultant, former state senator, and past chair of the Colorado legislature’s Wildfire Matters and Water Resources committees

Policy Questions Around Water Sharing

Aired January 11, 2018
Flexible water sharing agreements or alternative transfer methods (ATMs) could help keep water in agriculture while supplies are shared with municipalities or others to meet the state’s growing water needs. Listen to this recorded webinar to explore the conversations around existing policy and policy changes that might increase the adoption of ATMs.

With speakers:

  • Jim Yahn, North Sterling Irrigation District
  • Peter Nichols, Special Counsel to the Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District and Super Ditch Co.
  • Kevin Rein, Colorado State Engineer

Aquatic Nuisance Species: The Threat and Solutions

Aired October 24, 2017
The threat of aquatic nuisance species, specifically zebra and quagga mussels, continues to be a hot topic for the water community, but we need to reach beyond our own network when communicating about this looming threat to our pristine waterways. Watch this webinar, brought to you in partnership by the Colorado Water Congress and Water Education Colorado, to learn about the threat these invasive mussels pose, and how Colorado is working to educate the public and our policymakers so we can maintain healthy waterways and infrastructure.

Learn from experts:

  • Mike Preston, Dolores Water Conservancy District
  • Ken Curtis, Dolores Water Conservancy District
  • Doug Vilsack, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
  • Doug Krieger, Colorado Department of Natural Resources
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