GIVE TODAY. It’s Colorado Gives Day!

cogivesdayIt’s finally here– the day to give where you live and support the organizations you care about. The website may be loading a bit slowly, but visit and give, give, give!!

Competitive in nature? Check out this Denver Post editorial:

Coloradans excel at many things, but when it comes to contributing to charitable causes, we’re no better than so-so performers. According to a Chronicle of Philanthropy analysis released in August, Colorado ranks 30th among all 50 states in the percentage of discretionary income its residents give to good causes.

“A typical Colorado household gave 4.2 percent of its discretionary income to charity,” the Chronicle says.

Colorado Gives Day raised $12.4 million in 2011, let’s give more this year.

There are many great organizations that work with water to support today. Where are your donations going?

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