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Speakers Bureau - Jerry Cordova
Jerry Cordova
Speaker Bio
Jerry is the Education & Outreach Coordinator for the City of Colorado Springs Stormwater Enterprise. He educates thousands of youth each year through STEM school programs, engages with community members on the Adopt-A-Waterway Program, storm drain marking efforts, and through the Storm Drain Art Program. He is a founding member of the Creek Week cleanup, and initiated Trash Mobs (costume litter cleanups). He is creating a culture for Complete Creeks that promotes educational and recreational opportunities throughout the community. Jerry serves as a Board Member of the Trails and Open Space Coalition (TOSC), served on the Colorado Stormwater Council as Chair of the Education & Outreach Committee, and co-leads the Pikes Peak Children’s Water Festival each year.
City of Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs
Availability by River Basin
Presentation Types Offered
Community Presentations - Virtual, Community Presentations - Indoor, Community Presentation - Outdoor, Classroom Presentations
Additional Areas of Expertise
Presentation Languages
Language Interpretation Availability
No - Language Interpretation Not Available