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Speakers Bureau - Jayla Poppleton
Jayla Poppleton
Speaker Bio
Jayla Poppleton is the Executive Director at Water Education Colorado, the state’s leading organization for informing and engaging Coloradans on water. Previously, Jayla oversaw Water Education Colorado’s publications and other digital content programs. For 9 years she was the editor for Headwaters magazine, Water Education Colorado's flagship publication. She has written extensively on all things water, and it continues to be the subject she is most passionate about. Jayla serves on the Board for CDR Associates, which provides stakeholder engagement and facilitation in the areas of transportation, water and land management. She is also on the Advisory Committees for the One World One Water Center at Metro State University. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in technical journalism with a specialization in natural resources management from Colorado State University. She is also a 2016 graduate of WEco’s own Water Leaders Program. She lives in Denver with her husband and three sons.
Water Education Colorado
Availability by River Basin
South Platte
Presentation Types Offered
Community Presentations - Virtual, Community Presentations - Indoor, Community Presentation - Outdoor
Additional Areas of Expertise
Basic Colorado Water 101
Presentation Languages
Language Interpretation Availability
No - Language Interpretation Not Available