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Speakers Bureau - Dr. Timothy Steele
Dr. Timothy Steele
Speaker Bio
Tim Steele studied chemistry (A.B. magna cum laude) and hydrology (M.S. & Ph.D. degrees). He has been involved in water-quality hydrology and regional (watershed) assessments and data programs for over 56 years. He has managed numerous multidisciplinary projects and directed hydrologic baseline and modeling studies for characterizing water-quantity and -quality conditions ranging from site assessments to regional watersheds, aquifers, and river basins. He has helped prepare permits and documents for local, State, and Federal agencies and has given expert testimony or litigation support on a range of technical areas. He has consulted on projects dealing with various water-quality contaminants, hydrologic and water-quality monitoring network design/operations/data assessments, and watershed/river-basin planning. He has taught in short courses and seminars and has been an Affiliate Faculty Member at CSU. He has worked in 13 countries for The World Bank, UN agencies, and consultants.
TDS Consulting & DU-OLLI
720 771 2446
Availability by River Basin
Colorado, Rio Grande, South Platte, Yampa/White/Green, Outside Colorado
Presentation Types Offered
Community Presentations - Virtual, Community Presentations - Indoor, Community Presentation - Outdoor, Classroom Presentations
Additional Areas of Expertise
Basic Colorado Water 101, Local River Basin/Watershed Overview, Climate and Water, Hydrology, Groundwater, Water Quality, Watershed and River Health
Presentation Languages
Language Interpretation Availability
No - Language Interpretation Not Available