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Speakers Bureau - Emily Zmak
Emily Zmak
Speaker Bio
Emily Zmak specializes in problem-solving environmental, social, and policy challenges. As CDR’s water practice lead, her expertise includes stakeholder engagement, facilitation, and conflict resolution on topics including: complex water resources challenges; the human dimensions of natural resource management and use; and governance systems. Her portfolio includes projects like stakeholder engagement for Colorado’s Demand Management Feasibility Investigation; strategic support and facilitation for the Interstate Section at CWCB; regional outreach on an agricultural-to-municipal stewardship planning; and strategic planning for CDPHE’s water team. Emily holds an MA in Conflict Resolution and was a Fulbright grantee to Kyrgyzstan, where she studied the resilience of transboundary water agreements.
Colorado Water Conservation Board - CWCB
Availability by River Basin
Arkansas, South Platte
Presentation Types Offered
Community Presentations - Virtual, Community Presentations - Indoor, Community Presentation - Outdoor, Classroom Presentations, School Assemblies
Additional Areas of Expertise
Basic Colorado Water 101
Presentation Languages
Language Interpretation Availability
No - Language Interpretation Not Available