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Speakers Bureau - Travis Warziniack
Travis Warziniack
Speaker Bio
Images of the West depict iconic mountain ranges, free flowing rivers, and majestic wildlife. City parks and backyard gardens offer personal connections to nature that spans generations. The beauty of our region attracts people and businesses from all over the globe, many staying to put down their own roots. But the natural resources that define the West are increasingly at risk from urbanization, overuse, wildfire, and climate change. Dr. Travis Warziniack studies the role nature plays in our lives - through personal connection, strong neighborhoods, and vibrant economies – and ways we can make our communities more sustainable and our economies more resilient. He is currently a research economist with the USDA Forest Service, where he leads national assessments on water and climate change and serves on the National Ecosystem Services Strategy Team. He has presented his work at the White House, for chambers of commerce, for his son's 5th grade class.
Fort Collins
Availability by River Basin
Arkansas, Colorado, Gunnison, North Platte, Republican, Rio Grande, San Juan/Dolores/San Miguel, South Platte, Yampa/White/Green, Outside Colorado
Presentation Types Offered
Community Presentations - Virtual, Community Presentations - Indoor, Community Presentation - Outdoor, Classroom Presentations, School Assemblies
Additional Areas of Expertise
Local River Basin/Watershed Overview, Climate and Water, Watershed and River Health, Water Supply, Water Law and Policy, Water Conservation
Presentation Languages
Language Interpretation Availability
Yes - Interpretation Service Available