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Speakers Bureau - Jessica Thrasher

Jessica Thrasher
Speaker Bio
Jessica Thrasher is the Education and Outreach Manager for the Colorado Stormwater Center at Colorado State University. She has a bachelor's degree in Sociology from Southern Methodist University and a master's degree in International Development Anthropology from Colorado State University. Jessica provides tools, educational opportunities, and research to municipalities, stormwater professionals, consulting firms, and community members allowing them to make informed decisions about stormwater management practices. She is dedicated to being part of creating solutions to the current water quality, supply, use, and conservation issues. Jessica has also attained the following certifications: Permaculture Designer, Rainwater Harvesting Practitioner, Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) and Stormwater Control Measure Inspection and Maintenance.
Colorado Water Center at CSU
(970) 491-8015
Fort Collins
Availability by River Basin
Arkansas, Colorado, Gunnison, North Platte, Republican, Rio Grande, San Juan/Dolores/San Miguel, South Platte, Yampa/White/Green
Presentation Types Offered
Community Presentations - Virtual, Community Presentations - Indoor, Community Presentation - Outdoor
Additional Areas of Expertise
Basic Colorado Water 101, Climate and Water, Water Quality, Water Conservation
Presentation Languages
English, Spanish
Language Interpretation Availability
Yes - Interpretation Service Available
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