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Speakers Bureau - Scott Williamson
Scott Williamson
Speaker Bio
Scott Williamson manages the education and outreach programs of Water Education Colorado, including leading the Water Educator Network, Project WET curriculum and trainings, and water-themed tours and events, both large and small. He supported development, and leads implementation of, the Statewide Water Education Action Plan (SWEAP), working with task forces of educators from a diversity of organizations around the state. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Biology and Environmental Studies from St. Olaf College and a Master of Urban Planning degree from the University of Washington. Most recently, Scott taught 6th grade science in Denver while pursuing coursework at Relay Graduate School of Education. Scott lives in Denver with his wife and two sons, and he enjoys skiing, biking and swimming.
Colorado Department of Local Affairs
Availability by River Basin
Arkansas, Colorado, Gunnison, North Platte, Republican, Rio Grande, San Juan/Dolores/San Miguel, South Platte, Yampa/White/Green, Outside Colorado
Presentation Types Offered
Community Presentations - Virtual
Additional Areas of Expertise
Basic Colorado Water 101
Presentation Languages
Language Interpretation Availability
No - Language Interpretation Not Available