This event has only 439 space(s) left. If you continue and register more than 439 people (including yourself ), the whole group will be wait listed. Or, you can reduce the number of people you are registering to 439 to avoid being put on the waiting list.

Members of Water Education Colorado receive discounted registration!

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Webinar registration
In which of Colorado's major river basins do you reside?
Tell us a little about yourself. Are you a....
Are you a member of Water Education Colorado? To verify your membership:
If you personally are a member, enter your LAST NAME, FIRST NAME and select your name below.
If your organization is a member, enter and select the organization's name.
If your name or organization is not listed, you are not eligible for the member rate.
Webinar Fee
Webinar Fee *
Help WEco by covering the credit card processing fee for your registration.
Total for this participant
Credit Card
If you have a PayPal account, you can click the PayPal button to continue. Otherwise, fill in the credit card and billing information on this form and click Continue at the bottom of the page.
Checkout securely. Pay without sharing your financial information.
Billing Name and Address
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